The ParaGard IUD is a small, flexible plastic device with copper wrapped around it that prevents pregnancy. It is removed in an outpatient procedure. However, there are a number of complications associated with its removal. If you have suffered from one of these ParaGard Removal Side Effects, you may be eligible for legal action.

ParaGard IUD is a small, flexible, T-shaped plastic device with copper wrapped around it

The ParaGard IUD is a type of IUD that is inserted in the uterus to prevent pregnancy. It is designed to be removed after 10 years unless there are complications. It is a relatively simple procedure requiring no anesthesia or stitches. However, the device may cause some side effects, including spotting between periods and backaches. In some cases, the IUD can be removed during the same office visit.

It prevents pregnancy

ParaGard removal is typically a simple, non-surgical procedure that occurs during your routine office visit. You will likely undergo a pelvic exam and be screened for STIs during the procedure. You may experience a slight amount of pain during the procedure, but this is temporary and should not cause any long-term side effects. Usually, the procedure will last less than 10 minutes.

It is removed in an outpatient manner

ParaGard removal is a quick, simple procedure that takes just a few minutes in a doctor’s office. You may experience some minor discomfort such as cramping or light bleeding, but these symptoms are usually temporary. The Paragard is one of the most popular forms of nonhormonal birth control available, with a 99 percent success rate and an average of 10 years of effectiveness.

It causes complications

The FDA is monitoring the safety of Paragard. It evaluates reports in its Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) database and published literature. Additionally, it requires manufacturers to submit mandatory safety reports. In some cases, patients experience complications after removing the Paragard IUD.

It can embed in surrounding tissues or organs

While insertion of Paragard is relatively easy, it is not without risks. The device can embed in surrounding tissues or organs and lead to infections. Patients should be monitored closely for signs of infection and removal should be expedited if a complication occurs. This may involve surgery or preoperative imaging.

It can cause ectopic pregnancy

ParaGard is an implant that can cause problems during pregnancy. Women should be aware of the risks of removing the Paragard. Women should not use the device if they have unexplained bleeding, including bleeding between periods or heavier than usual bleeding. This can be an early sign of a pelvic inflammatory disease or an infection. If you experience heavy bleeding for months or longer, you should immediately notify your health care provider.