Radiators play a vital role in a comfortable home keeping you and your babys warm and safe. Sometimes people want to improve the look of their home by moving the radiator for aesthetic reasons or simply to make more room for the kids doing crafts during the cold winter months. This can also make the heat distribution more effective for the home if the radiators are currently blocked by furniture. 

Most radiators have two valves that let water inside and regulate the heat produced. One is a lockshield valve that controls water intake and outtake, while the other can be either thermostatic or manual. The radiator changing process is the same, whether you have a manual or thermostatic valve. This guide with tips from this article on how to move a boiler & this Youtube Video by Trade Radiators will elaborate on how to move a radiator without draining the system.

Why should you change your radiator valves?

There are many advantages of changing your radiator valves like;

A damaged radiator can destroy your entire heating system if it is stuck in one location. It would help if you replaced it as soon as you see a leak or you might need to call a plumber.

Shifting from a manual to a thermostatic valve will give you an efficient heating system. Thermostatic valves also lower the electric bills and give you complete control over the temperature.

You will install the valve that fits your home’s needs. Designer radiators have improved with time, meaning you have a variety at your disposal.

You might not be ready to change your radiator, but you will see a massive difference by changing its valves. This will change your house’s appearance and match other artefacts in it.

Can you change your valve with ease?

You should have an easy time while changing your radiator if you are a professional DIYer. However, changing the valves is not an easy task, especially if you are a first-timer, so you should contact a professional for help.

Can you replace the valve without a drainage issue?

First, it is advisable to drain the entire system if you want to replace valves on a couple of radiators. You can, however, replace the whole radiator without draining the system if it is only one radiator in question.

How to change your radiator valve

First, you will need the following items to change a radiator valve;

  • A spanner
  • Used sheets or towels
  • Radiator valves
  • Bleed key
  • A huge container

1.Turn off the water and heater

You should turn the heater off before any task to let the radiator cool for an hour. Failure to do this might make you burn yourself. Remove the cap on the lockshield and turn the spindle. Move to the opposite side and turn the valve till the end.

2.Keep the radiator valves ready

You should remove both valve heads if you are shifting from an old to a thermostatic valve. Pluck the adaptors and wrap the tape to prevent a leak.

3.Release any accumulated pressure

Here, it would help if you opened the radiator using a bleed key to free any pressure. You should drain the radiator from the valve if the shield has a drain-off.

4.Open the old valve

It would help if you used a spanner to cut off the radiator’s head to access the thermostatic valve. You can achieve this by holding the body and turning the screw until the water flows. It is advisable to have a tight grip on the valve body not to apply pressure to the pipe.

5.Free the pressure

Air will flow after you open the manual valve. You should trap the water using a big container until none remains inside. This process might take 10 minutes.

6.Change the thermostatic valve

It would be best to keep on opening the bolt after you drain all water from the radiator. It would help if you also turned the nut in an anticlockwise direction to make it lose, and this makes it easy to remove the valve.

7.Join the new thermostatic valve

You should hold the valve, align it with an adapter, and make sure you tighten it. You can use your hand or spanner, but you should ensure it is not too tight.

8.Get rid of the lockshield valve

You should get rid of the lockshield valve if you have more than a pair. You can achieve this by using a spanner and then connect the radiator to the new valves. With the above steps, you can change your drainage system with minimal problems.

It is advisable to change the valves in your drainage system because it will lower your utility bills and other benefits. Changing this system is not a challenging task, but you should do all you can to prevent a drainage system. With the above information, this task will become easy.